First of all, how can we define personal style?
Your style is simply who you want to present to the world, what impression you need them to feel when they see you for the first time, and what you need to tell them about yourself as a human being, no matter what gender or age you have.
Usually, Your style will significantly depend on these past factors. It may even change a little depending on your lifestyle, but it will always describe your personality and character.

And as Ralph Lauren once said :
“PERSONAL STYLE IS about a sense of yourself, A sense of What you believe in and wearing what you like.”

Maybe the process of finding out your style seems to be frustrating and lengthy. Although you don’t have to choose one type of woman you want to be and delete all other classes, you do have to select a prevailing theme for your wardrobe, but don’t be so frustrated; like any other project in life, finding out your style needs only some time and patience.

And now, after you’ve discovered your colors and understand and love well your body shape, the final step before building your wardrobe, even from scratch, by choosing good clothes and dressing for your body type, is to find your style.

So let’s find out the most straightforward steps to find out and develop your style:

1-search for your style symbols:

You don’t need to do this soul-searching alone; a good way of finding out what you like is by searching for your style symbols online and pulling ideas from them to get a handle on your style and create a vision board.
Pinterest, Google, or Instagram are great tools for this job to gather inspiration from their looks.
You can also look at different fashion bloggers’ styles, celebrities, fashion magazines, or even clothing retailers for inspiration.

And once you review your vision boards, you might notice that the styles and outfits you chose from all you saw are similar in some aspects.
Hurry, that’s wonderful; you are on track to finding your style!

2-Understand Your Body

Knowledge is power.Knowing your body type and clothing to highlight your best features is learned over time. So you first need to understand what kind of body you have and what works for you.Certain styles look better for your shape than others, and If you have a good understanding of your body shape, you can buy the right clothes for that shape.
And please, please,Don’t convince yourself that you should be able to wear everything because no one ever can. You may also like to identify your vertical body type.

Once you have discovered your body type, you can start thinking about the desired silhouette you want to create and create a balanced outfit.

3- Pull A Common Theme From Those style symbols

after you have known and understood your body type, try to match it with the style symbols you saw and picked from the internet, as discussed above, so that you can pike up a similar body shape to yours.

You can create a list of your best five favorite styles and themes from your style symbols, pin it and look at all the images you pined simultaneously, and voila?
Now, writedown all the elements you see in common. Chances are, the style and the accessories you wrote down most frequently are the ones you most relate to, It’ll help make your preferences more straightforward, and then you can stick to them when you shop.

4-Understand your personality and dress for your lifestyle:

Do you know how to describe your nature? are you embracing it, or do you just fighting it? Cause all that affects finding Your true personal style.
Let’s start by Writing down some words that describe your personality; look at yourself. For example, do you look rugged, enjoy rough clothing and cars, etc.?

Just embrace your personality and keep in mind Your lifestyle and choose clothes that fit these two items; if you live the lifestyle of a cowboy, a jeans and boots outfit is more fitting for you.

Of course, one essential item to consider is to keep Your job in mind; no matter how much fun you want with the style you just found, remember the job you have.
What can be stylish with a school teacher, for example, will never fit with a banker, so you need to play with the accessories within the style of each job and not with the whole class.

5- Be Honest with yourself about your wardrobe:

Be honest. Which garments in your closet do you like?
How many of the garments have you not worn for a long time? How many were ‘mistakes.’
Again, write down what didn’t work. Which clothes make you HAPPY?

All the above steps will guide you in knowing your style.

5- Keep Your environment close to your choices:

Let’s say you live in the south, and the “environment” is a more significant factor there.
Heat is an everyday concern for you.

Cotton fabrics suites warm weather. Colder climates require heavier fleeces. Choose your clothes depending on the climate conditions you are exposed to the most.

6-choose the right colors which inspire you the most:

Colors can also significantly affect your style and how you feel. Understand how specific colors make you think.
For example :
Warm Complexion: If you tan easily and have soft brown or dark blonde hair, yellow undertone shades such as brown, tan, red, and green.
Cool Complexion: If you have dark or gray/white hair, dark eyes, and an olive or pale complexion, blue undertones will look good on you.

If you don’t use much color in your current style or choose an unfitting color ( how to choose your right color), you may experiment by adding bits of colors through accessories and see how these make you feel.
Once you’ve found your go-to color and fit, incorporate these elements into your wardrobe.

7- use the list you made when shopping:

You need to consider the clothing items on your home’s go-to list when shopping.
Remember what you wrote about your wardrobe – the likes and dislikes you discovered earlier –and what you need before making a purchase.Make a mental note of your wardrobe likes, dislikes, and what you need before purchasing. This simple act will prevent your remorse.
Just Ask yourself the following questions when you need to make a clothing or accessory purchase:

  • Does this item reflect my values and personality?
  • Is it suitable for the environment I am exposed to daily?
  • Does it inspire me?
  • Will it work with my lifestyle?
  • Where will I wear it, and how often?
  • Does it coordinate with at least 3-4 other pieces in my wardrobe?

Then make your purchase after you justify the cost of the item after considering these questions.


Finding your own fashion style can take years of trial and error and it is hardly ever static. Our ways of dressing change as we grow older, or enter new chapters in our life.
In some cases, a person’s fashion style evolves gradually; in other cases, it’s a radical shift from one to another, And in many cases, people don’t even know what their style is or simply don’t have one.
Creating a signature look is an important step in your sartorial journey, and even if you have no intention of becoming a style icon, it helps to refine your own unique style and to build a more functional wardrobe.

Now, there is nothing wrong with having more than one fashion style, it’s ok tofind that there are several quite different categories that all appeal to you equally, as long as you are aware of all of them and incorporate them strategically into your wardrobe.

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