the ant and grasshopper

The Ant and Grasshopper

The Grasshopper and the Ant By Aesop’s Fables Listen to the story “The Grasshopper and the Ant” story teaches us a very important lesson that if you want to succeed tomorrow, you have to start working today. Those who do not plan for the long term will not succeed in the long term. The Grasshopper and the Ant one fine day in winter, some Ants were busy drying their store of corn which had got rather damp during  a long spell of rain, presently up came a grasshopper and begged them to spare her a few grains, for she said I’m simply starving; the ants stopped work for a moment thought this was against their principles “may we ask?” said they. “What were you doing…

Alice in Wonderland

Alice Adventures in Wonderland

Alice Adventures in Wonderland By Lewis Carroll Listen to the story Alice Adventures in Wonderland teaches us a very good lesson we face in the real world, Sure, crawling down a rabbit hole might be too big a risk in the real world, but Alice’s decision to follow the White Rabbit leads to a magical journey. … Though taking risks can be scary (like crawling down a rabbit hole), standing still can be scarier. Without taking risks and challenging ourselves, we don’t grow in the real world we live in. Alice Adventures in Wonderland Chapter 1 Down The Rabbit Hole Alice was beginning to get very tired of sitting by her sister on the bank and of having nothing to do, once or twice she had peeped…

the bremen town musicians

The Bremen Town Musicians

The Bremen Town Musicians By BROTHERS GRIMM Listen to the story The Bremen Town Musicians’ story tells us about teamwork. The animals in this story are old and weak, and alone none of them would be able to achieve much. Yet, by working together, they can achieve something that none of them would be able to achieve alone. The Bremen Town Musicians Once upon a time, there was a donkey who, for many years, had worked for a farmer. The donkey had worked on the same farm day in and day out and longed to leave the farm and to see the world. The farmer was not happy that the donkey wanted to leave, but when he saw how sad the donkey was, he told him that…

The Ugly Duckling

The Ugly Duckling

The Ugly Duckling By Hans Christian Andersen Listen to the story The Ugly Duckling teaches us many lessons like that lesson for people to accept themselves for who they truly are, we shouldn’t discriminate against people, judging by their physical appearance, and we should never give up on following our passions and finding our place in society. The Ugly Duckling it was lovely summer weather in the country, and the golden corn, the green oaks and the haystacks piled up in the meadows looked beautiful. The stork walks about on his long red legs chattered in the Egyptian language, which he had learned from his mother, the cornfields and meadows were surrounded by large forests in the midst of which were deep pools; it was indeed delightful to walk…

the little gingerbread man

The Little Gingerbread Man

The Little Gingerbread Man Listen to the story The Little Gingerbread Man story tells us some small tips to know in our lives like: be careful who you trust. Little characters can do big things. Don’t automatically trust a stranger. Never run away from your family and the people who love you. The Little Gingerbread Man one day the cook went to the kitchen to make some gingerbread; she took some flour and water and treacle and ginger and mixed them all well together, and she put in some more water to make it thin and then some more flour to make it thick and a little salt and some spice, and then she rolled it out into a beautifully smooth, dark yellow dough, then she took the…

the little thief in the pantry

The Little Thief in the Pantry

The Little Thief in the Pantry Listen to the story the little thief in the pantry gives us the big meaning of why you should always obey Your Mother and the real difference between stealing and giving.A good story to read and learn from.  The little thief in the pantry  “MOTHER dear,” said a little mouse one day, “I think the people in our house must be very kind, don’t you? They leave such nice things for us in the larder.” There was a twinkle in the mother’s eye as she replied,— “Well, my child, no doubt they are very well in their way, but I don’t think they are quite as fond of us as you seem to think. Now, remember, Grey whiskers, I…



Binnorie Listen to the story Binnorie once upon a time, there were two kings’ daughters who lived in a bower near the Bonnie milldams of Binnorie and Sir William came one the eldest and won her love and plighted troth with glove and with a ring, but after time he looked upon the youngest with her cherry cheeks and golden hair, and his love grew for her till he cared no longer for the eldest one, so she hated her sister for taking away sir William’s love, and day by day, her hate grew upon her, and she plotted and she planned how to get rid of her, so one fine morning, fair and clear, she said to her sister. “Let us go and see her father’s boats come in at the…

the hare and the tortoise

The Hare and the Tortoise

The Hare & The Tortoise By Aesop  Listen to the story The hare and the tortoise story gives us the greatest lifestyle way for living our life; that is, you can be more successful by doing things slowly and steadily than by acting quickly and carelessly.   The Hare & The Tortoise  A hare was making fun of the tortoise one day for being so slow, “do you ever get anywhere” he asked with a mocking laugh, “yes replied the tortoise, and I get there sooner than you, think I’ll run you a race and prove it” The hare was much amused at the idea of running a race with the tortoise, but for the fun of the thing, he agreed, so the Fox who’d consented…

riki tiki tavi


Rikki-Tikki-Tavi By Rudyard Kipling Listen to the story Rikki-Tikki-Tavi teaches us two things, first, we must always protect who we love and who put their faith in us, second, to show bravery and a clear head in the face of fear.  Rikki-Tikki-Tavi                                                         At the hole where he went in                                                        red I called two wrinkled skin,                                …