the story of little boy blue

The Story of Little Boy Blue

The Story of Little Boy Blue By L.Frank Baum Listen to the story “The Story of Little Boy Blue” gives us the importance of virtues like a good loving heart, loving and caring for one mother and father, and finally, dedication to our work.  The Story of a Little Boy Blue  little boy Blue, come blow your horn  the Sheep in the meadow, the cows in the corn  where is the little boy that minds the Sheep  he’s under the haystack, fast asleep  There once lived a poor widow who supported herself and her only son by gleaning  in the fields, the stalks of grain had been missed by the Reapers, her little cottage was  at the foot of a beautiful valley upon the edge of the…

goody two shoes

Goody Two Shoes

Goody Two Shoes By anonymous author Listen to the story “Goody Two Shoes” story gives us such a great lesson about the usefulness of many moral virtues such as education, honesty, rationality, and the kindness of the heart for both humans and animals. It spotted light on the concept that money is to be used for the good of others less fortunate than oneself, not only for personal benefits. Goody Two Shoes   Farmer Meanwell was at one time a very rich man; he owned large fields and had fine  flocks of sheep and plenty of money but all at once, his good fortune seemed to  desert him; year after year, his crops failed, his sheep died off, and he was obliged  to borrow money to pay…

twas the night before christmas

Twas the Night Before Christmas

Twas The Night Before Christmas Listen to the story “Twas the Night Before Christmas”  is a poem first published anonymously under the title Account of a Visit from St. Nicholas in 1823 and later attributed to Clement Clarke Moore, who claimed authorship in 1837.  Twas the Night Before Christmas It was the night before Christmas when all through the house not a creature was stirring not even a mouse  the stockings were hung by the chimney with care  and hopes that Saint Nicholas soon would be there  the children have nestled all snug in their beds while visions of sugar plums danced in their heads and mama in her kerchief and I in my cap had just settled our brains for a long winter’s nap when…

the little match girl

The Little Match Girl

The Little Match Girl By Hans Christian Anderson Listen to the story “The Little Match-girl ”  story One of the morals, or lessons, of “The Little Match-girl ”  by Hans Christian Andersen is to behave charitably toward those less fortunate. Despite her dire circumstances, the little girl dreams of warmth and food as she tries to earn money for her family. The Little Match-girl   It was terribly cold and nearly dark on the last evening of the old year, and the snow  was falling fast in the cold and the darkness, a poor little girl with a bare head and  naked feet roamed through the streets; it is true she had on a pair of slippers when  she left home, but they were not of much use;…

the paradise of children

The Paradise of Children

The Paradise of Children By Nathaniel_Hawthorne Listen to the story “The Paradise of Children”  story is Hawthorne’s tale about the wickedly curious Pandora, who shouldn’t have looked inside that box! Published in the 1920 collection wonder stories: The Best Myths for Boys and Girls.  The Paradise of Children Long, long ago, when this old world was in its tender infancy, there was a child named Epimetheus, who never had either father or mother so that he might not be lonely, another child, fatherless and motherless like himself, was sent by the gods to be his playfellow and helpmate. Her name was Pandora. The first thing that Pandora saw when she entered the cottage where Epimetheus lived was a great box. And almost the first question…

how the moon become beautiful

How The Moon Become Beautiful

How The Moon Become Beautiful  OLD FOLKLORE  Listen to the story “How the Moon Became Beautiful” is a beautiful folk tale explaining why it is so happy and bright, published in Chinese Fables and Folk Stories (1908), translated by Mary Hayes Davis and Chow-Leung. How the Moon Became Beautiful The moon is lovely with its round, bright face, which shines with soft and gentle light on all the world of man, but once there was a time when he was not so beautiful as he is now, six thousand years ago, the face of the moon became changed in a single night, before that time, his face had been so dark and gloomy that no one liked to look at him, and for this reason, he…

the snow queen

The Snow Queen

The Snow Queen By Hans Christian Anderson Listen to the story “The Snow Queen”  story though to death a sagacious class of people to whom good Mr. Lindsay belongs it may seem but a childish affair is nevertheless capable of being moral in various methods greatly for edification one of its lessons, for instance, might be that it behooves men and especially men of benevolence to consider well what they are about and before acting on their philanthropic purposes to be quite sure that they comprehend the nature and all the relations of the business in hand. The Snow Queen   First story: which treats a mirror and of the splinters Once upon a time, there was a wicked sprite indeed he was the most…

father frost


Father Frost Listen to the story “FATHER FROST“ story is a Russian fairy tale called Morozco, adopted in Andrew Lang’s yellow fairy book as the story of king frost illustrated by Ivan Billabin’s 1932 Note.    FATHER FROST There was once upon a time a peasant woman who had a daughter and a step- daughter, the daughter had her own way and everything, and whatever she did was right in her mother’s eyes, but the poor step-daughter had a hard time letting her do what she would, and she was always blamed and got small thanks for all the trouble she took, nothing was right, everything wrong, and yet if the truth were known, the girl was worth her weight in gold; she was so unselfish…

the snow image

The Snow Image

The Snow Image By Nathaniel Hawthorne Listen to the story “The Snow Image”  story though to death a sagacious class of people to whom good Mr. Lindsay belongs; it may seem a childish affair is nevertheless capable of being moral in various methods greatly for edification; one of its lessons, for instance, might be that it behooves men and especially men of benevolence to consider well what they are about and before acting on their philanthropic purposes to be quite sure that they comprehend the nature and all the relations of the business in hand. The Snow Image   a childish miracle one afternoon on a cold winter’s day when the sun shone forth with chilly brightness after a long storm, two children asked the life…

the little mermaid

The Little Mermaid

The Little Mermaid By Hans Christian Andersen   Listen to the story “The Little Mermaid“ story tells us a very important lesson here; aside from the mistakes and challenges she went through, she still achieved her goal and got to explore the human world.The lesson here is that if we were to give up during challenges, we would never reach our dreams. But if you try your best, you can succeed or not, by the way, but we should always try.    The Little Mermaid  part 1 far out at sea, the water is as blue as the bluest cornflower and as clear as the clearest Crystal, but it is very deep, too deep for any cable to fathom, and if many steeples were piled on…