The Return of ULYSSES

The Return of ULYSSES

Short Stories For Children The Wind in the Willows By Kenneth Grahame Listen to the story XII. THE RETURN OF ULYSSES                                                Previous Chapter                When it began to grow dark, the Rat, with an air of excitement and mystery, summoned them back into the parlor, stood each of them up alongside of his little heap, and proceeded to dress them up for the coming expedition. He was very earnest and thoroughgoing about it, and the affair took quite a long time. First, there was a belt to go around each animal, then a sword to be…

Like Summer Tempests Came His Tears

Like Summer Tempests Came His Tears

Short Stories For Children The Wind in the Willows By Kenneth Grahame Listen to the story XI. Like Summer Tempests Came His Tears                Previous Chapter     Next Chapter  The Rat put out a neat little brown paw, gripped Toad firmly by the scruff of the neck, and gave a great hoist and a pull, and the water-logged Toad came up slowly but surely over the edge of the hole till, at last, he stood safe and sound in the hall, streaked with mud and weed to be sure, and with the water streaming off him, but happy and high-spirited as of old, now that he found himself once more in the house of a friend, and dodgings and…

The Further Adventures of TOAD

The Further Adventures of TOAD

Short Stories For Children The Wind in the Willows By Kenneth Grahame Listen to the story X.THE FURTHER ADVENTURES OF TOAD                 Previous Chapter        Next Chapter  The front door of the hollow tree faced eastwards, so Toad was called at an early hour; partly by the bright sunlight streaming in on him, partly by the exceeding coldness of his toes, which made him dream that he was at home in bed in his own handsome room with the Tudor window, on a cold winter’s night, and his bedclothes had got up, grumbling and protesting they couldn’t stand the cold any longer, and had run downstairs to the kitchen fire to warm themselves; and he had followed,…

Wayfarers All

Wayfarers All

Short Stories For Children The Wind in the Willows By Kenneth Grahame Listen to the story IX. WAYFARERS ALL                                                 Previous Chapter              Next Chapter  The Water Rat was restless, and he did not exactly know why. To all appearance, the summer’s pomp was still at fullest height, and although in the tilled acres, green had given way to gold, though rowans were reddening, and the woods were dashed here, and there with a tawny fierceness, yet light and warmth and color were still present in undiminished measure, clean of any chilly premonitions of the passing year. But the…

TOAD'S Adventures

TOAD’S Adventures

Short Stories For Children The Wind in the Willows By Kenneth Grahame Listen to the story  VIII. TOAD’S ADVENTURES                                   Previous Chapter            Next Chapter   When Toad found himself immured in a dank and noisome dungeon and knew that all the grim darkness of a medieval fortress lay between him and the outer world of sunshine and well-metalled high roads where he had lately been so happy, disporting himself as if he had bought up every road in England, he flung himself at full length on the floor, and shed bitter tears, and abandoned himself to dark despair. ‘This is the end of everything’ (he said),…

The Piper at the Gates of Dawn

The Piper at the Gates of Dawn

Short Stories For Children The Wind in the Willows By Kenneth Grahame Listen to the story VII. THE PIPER AT THE GATES OF DAWN                Previous Chapter        Next Chapter    The Willow-Wren was twittering his thin little song, hidden in the dark selvage of the river bank. Though it was past ten o’clock at night, the sky still clung to and retained some lingering skirts of light from the departed day; and the sullen heats of the torrid afternoon broke up and rolled away at the dispersing touch of the cool fingers of the short midsummer night. Mole lay stretched on the bank, still panting from the stress of the fierce day that had been cloudless from dawn…

Mr. Toad

Mr. Toad

Short Stories For Children The Wind in the Willows By Kenneth Grahame Listen to the story VI. Mr. Toad                                                           Previous Chapter               Next Chapter  It was a bright morning in the early part of summer; the river had resumed its wonted banks and its accustomed pace, and a hot sun seemed to be pulling everything green and bushy and spiky up out of the earth towards him, as if by strings. The Mole and the Water Rat had been up since dawn, very busy on matters connected with boats and the opening…



Short Stories For Children The Wind in the Willows By Kenneth Grahame Listen to the story V. DULCE DOMUM                                                Previous Chapter            Next Chapter    The sheep ran huddling together against the hurdles, blowing out thin nostrils and stamping with delicate fore-feet, their heads thrown back and a light steam rising from the crowded sheep-pen into the frosty air, as the two animals hastened by in high spirits, with much chatter and laughter. They were returning across the country after a long day’s outing with Otter, hunting and exploring on the wide uplands where certain streams tributary to…



Short Stories For Children The Wind in the Willows By Kenneth Grahame Listen to the story IV. Mr. BADGER                                                Previous Chapter            Next Chapter      THEY waited patiently for what seemed a very long time, stamping in the snow to keep their feet warm. At last, they heard the sound of slow, shuffling footsteps approaching the door from the inside. It seemed, as the Mole remarked to the Rat, like someone walking in carpet slippers that were too large for him and down at the heel, which was intelligent of Mole because that was exactly what it was….

Wild Wood

Wild Wood

Short Stories For Children The Wind in the Willows By Kenneth Grahame Listen to the story III. The Wild Wood                                                    Previous Chapter            Next Chapter   The Mole had long wanted to make the acquaintance of the Badger. He seemed, by all accounts, to be such an important personage and, though rarely visible, to make his unseen influence felt by everybody about the place. But whenever the Mole mentioned his wish to the Water Rat, he always found himself put off. ‘It’s all right,’ the Rat would say. ‘Badger’ll turn up some day or other—he’s always turning…