“ The Blind Men and The Elephant ” story is a story from INDIA that has been adapted by many religions and published in different stories worldwide. It gives us the importance of slowing down our decisions until we study everything around us, which will guarantee to make the best and the most practical decision or opinion.
The Blind Men and The Elephant
the blindmenand the Elephant a fable from India by phoebe franklin and illustrated
byCoco Masuda.
In a faraway village lived six blind men,one day an elephant arrived in town,
everyone within miles ran to catch aglimpse of the great creature; the blind men didn’t
know what an elephant was,but they wanted to join in on theexcitement.
The first blind man approached theelephant. “I will findout what an elephant is,
” he told hiscompanions; he felt the elephant’s side; it feltbroadand flat and smooth,
just like a wall “Aha,” he said, “an elephant is a wall.”
“a wah,” marveled the others, pleasedthat how now they understood anelephant.
“That can’t be true,” said the second blindman “Why would a wall come to town?
let me try”he approached the elephant and grabbedhold of his tusk; it was long
and thin and hard to thetouch,just like a stick, “I am sorry to disagree,”he said,
“but it is clear to me an elephant is nota wallit is a stick.”
“Naturally,” said the others; they were pleased that they now trulyknewwhat
an elephant was.
“But I say anelephant is a wall,”insisted the first man, “and I know it tobe a stick,”
declared the second.
The third blind man stepped up “How canan elephant be a walland a stick?” he asked;
he approached theelephant and felt its trunk; it squirmed and twisted just like asnake
“Are you ready to hear what an elephantreally is?” he asked, “it is a snake.”
“A snake?”marveled to rest; they were pleased thatthey nowtruly knew what
an elephant was.
“But Isay it is a wall,” insisted the first man, “I knew it to be a stick,” declared
The blind man who had not yet touchedthe elephant marveled at the idea that
an elephantwas actually a snake, “I don’t mean to upset anyone,” said thefourth blind
man, “but an elephant isclearly something more important thanany of those things,”
he approached the elephant and felt itsleg; it was roughand wrinkly; he put his arms
around it,and it was thick and round, just like atreetrunk “Aha,” he announced,
“it is obvious to me that an elephant isactually a tree,”
“a tree?” one of the two remaining blindmen, “perhaps!” but they were less sure
thanever before,
“I say it is a wall,” insisted the firstman,
“I know it to be a stick,” declared thesecond
“I amcertain it is a snake,” exclaimed thethird
“I am convinced it is a tree,” argued thefourth
“let us stop this bickering.” the fifthblind man said “Permit me to find out once
and for allthat an elephant really is”he approached the elephant and felt itsear,
it had folded and flapped in the windjust like a fan,
“the mystery is solved,” heannounced ” An elephant is really a fan,”
“a fan!!?”said the remaining blind man, “I wonder!!”
“I say there’s a wall,” insisted the firstman,
“I know it to be a stick,” declared thesecond,
“I am certain it is a snake,” explains thethird
“I am convinced it is a tree,” argued thefourth
“it is without question a fan,” pronouncedthe fifth.
“stop!” shouted out the sixth blind man ” Letme end this confusion for now and always.”
He approached the elephantand felt its tail. It waslong and thin, and it swayed back
andforth,just like a rope,
“all right,”said the sixth blind man, “we have ouranswer; an elephant is, without a doubt
a rope,” there was no one left to agree.
“I believeit is a wall,”insisted the first,
“I knew it to be a stick,”declared a second,
“I am certain it is asnake,” exclaimed the third,
“I am convinced it is a tree,” argued thefourth,
“it is without question a fan,” pronouncedthe fifth,
“I am sure it is a rope,” added the sixth
“friends,” said the first blind man, “how canone thing seem so different?!
If you wantto truly know something,you must try to understand all of itsparts.”
“on that, we all can agree,” replied theothers;
with that in mind, the men investigated thewhole animalthey finally gained a true
understandingof an elephant.
The End
I am EHAB GOUBRAN, blogger, and influencer, discovered that my true passion is to share with people whatever I knew and experienced by reading- which I adore by the way - or by experiences. my goal is to help others to improve their lifestyle by increasing their knowledge and passion. -"Develop a passion for learning. If you do, you will never cease to grow."- Anthony J. D'Angelo