short stories

The Three Little Pigs

The Three Little Pigs

The Three Little Pigs teaches us that hard work and dedication pay off. While the first two pigs quickly built homes and had more free time to play, the third pig labored in the construction of his house of bricks. And in the end, he is the only one who manages to beat the danger.

The Three Little Pigs

once upon a time, when pigs spoke the line, and monkeys chew tobacco and hens
took the sloth to make them tough, and ducks went quack quack quack,
oh, there was an old sow with three little feet, and as she had not enough to keep
them, she sent them out to seek a report, soon the first that went off met a man
with a bundle of straw and said to him, “Please, man, give me that straw to build
me a house which the man did,  and the little people saw the house with it.
presently came along a wolf and knocked at the door and said: “Little pig, little pig,
let me come in, ” to which the pig answered, “No, no, by the hair of my chinny-chin-chin.”
The wolf then answers that “Then I’ll huff, and I’ll puff, and I’ll blow your house in,”
so he huffed, and he puffed, and he blew his house in and ate up the little pig.
The second little pig met a man with a bundle of furs and said, “Please, man, give me
that furs to build a house”, which the man did, and the pig built his house.
There the long came the wolf and said, “Little pig, little pig, let me come in,”
“no, no, by the hair of my chinny-chin-chin,” said the second pig, “Then I’ll huff,
and I’ll puff, and I’ll blow your house in”, so he huffed, and he puffed, and he puffed,
and he huffed, and at last, he blew the house down, and he ate up the second little pig.
The third little pig met a man with a load of bricks and said, “Please, man, give me
those bricks to build a house with, so the man gave him the bricks, and he built his
house with them,  so the wolf came as he did to the other little pigs,
and said, “Little pig, little pig, let me come in,”
“no, no, by the hair of my chinny-chin-chin,” replied the third little pig, “Then I’ll huff,
and I’ll puff, and I’ll blow your house in,” said the wolf.
Well, he huffed, he puffed, and he huffed, and he puffed, and he puffed, and he huffed
but he could not get the house down. When he found that he could not, with all his
huffing and puffing, blowing the house down, he said, “Little pig, I know where there is
a nice field of turnips” “Where?” said the little pig, “oh, at Mr. Smith’s home field,
and if you are ready tomorrow morning, I will call for you, and we will go together,
and get something for dinner”.
“Very well,” said the little pig, “I will be ready; what time? do you mean to go
oh, at 6 o’clock”, well the little pig got up at 5:00 and got the tenants before the wolf
came, which he did about 6:00, and he said, “Little pig are you ready?”,
the little pig said, “Ready!!?, I have been and come back” again and got a nice pot
full for dinner.
The wolf got very angry at this but thought that he would be up to the little pig
somehow or other, so he said, “Little pig, I know where there is a nice apple tree
whereas at the peak down at Mary garden”, replied the wolf, “and if you will not
deceive me; I will come for you at five o’clock tomorrow and get some apples”.
Well, the little pig bustles up the next morning at 4 o’clock and goes off for the apples
that before the wolf came, but he had further to go and had to climb the tree,
so that just as he was coming down from it, he saw the wolf come, which, as you may
suppose frightened him very much.
When the wolf came up, he said, “Little pig, what are you here before me? Are they nice
apples?”, “yes very,” said the little pig, “I will throw you down one,” and he threw it so
far, and while the wolf was gone to pick it up, the little pig jumped down and ran home.
The next day the wolf came again and said to him, “Look, baby little pig, there is a fair
Shanklin, this afternoon, will you go?” “Oh, yes, at the peak, I will go,” said the little pig,
“what time shall you be ready, at 3 o’clock?” said the wolf,  so the little pig went before
the time as usual and got to the fair, and bought a butter churn, which he was going
home with, but he saw the wolf coming, then he could not tell what to do,
so he got into the churn to hide and, by so doing, turn it around, and it rolled down
the hill with the pig in it, which frightened the wolf so much that he ran home
without going to the fair. He went to the little pig‘s house and told him how frightened
he had been my great round thing which came down the hill Austin, then the little pig
said, “Ha I frightened you, then I had been to the fair, board a butter churn,
and when I saw you, I got into it and rolled down the hill.
Then the wolf was very angry indeed and declared he would eat up the little pig,
and that he would get down the chimney after when the little pig saw what he was
about, he hung on the pot full of water and made up a blazing fire, and just as the wolf
was coming down, he took off the cover and fell divorce, so the little pig put on
the cover again in an instant, Boulton up and ate him for supper and lived happily
ever after.
The End

I am EHAB GOUBRAN, blogger, and influencer, discovered that my true passion is to share with people whatever I knew and experienced by reading- which I adore by the way - or by experiences. my goal is to help others to improve their lifestyle by increasing their knowledge and passion. -"Develop a passion for learning. If you do, you will never cease to grow."- Anthony J. D'Angelo

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