PERSONAL STYLE DEFINITION!! We see just two words, but millions of fashion designers, models, celebrities, and even ordinary people like you and me have tried to come up with the perfect answer for “personal style definition “over the years. You may like their definitions or not, but this will be a way to try to discover what your style is.
And I know now that it’s challenging to find just one answer to define and articulatethe power of style and fashion through words, but let’s see through the eyes and minds of the followingicons who I thinkmanaged to do so with quote-worthy.From the most fabulous fashion designers to legendary models and stylists, get inspired by these quotes in personal style definition.
FINALLY I think your style is all up to you; it’s something from your inside you want to show to the world, it’s the personality that you want to be directed to everyone, it’s about what you feel in your day, what you experienced in your life, and of course, it changes in every period of it. Maybe the best quote I have read is what “STELLA MCCARTNEY” said about “personal style.”
I am EHAB GOUBRAN, blogger, and influencer, discovered that my true passion is to share with people whatever I knew and experienced by reading- which I adore by the way - or by experiences.
my goal is to help others to improve their lifestyle by increasing their knowledge and passion.
-"Develop a passion for learning. If you do, you will never cease to grow."-
Anthony J. D'Angelo
In today’s world, there seems to be an endless number of diets claiming to help with weight loss, muscle gain, and overall health improvement.. Knowing the Different Types of Diets available lets you decide which works best for your lifestyle and goals.
Motherhood is a mixture of fatigue, anxiety, and responsibility, but with a lot of fun, joy, pride, and, of course in addition, the feeling of happiness and love.
Let’s talk here: What is motherhood? and how can we reach good motherhood in this modern world?
After a long, dark winter, spring is practically here, arriving with optimism, persistent growth, and cheerful sprigs. and now rather than the kind of heady bouquets you might encounter in August, during the end-of-summer flower glut, comes the spring fragrances.
please remember that balance is the most important thing in our lives, remember to pause, connect with your emotions, rethink your priorities, evaluate alternatives, and implement changes, it’s only one life we have, don’t waste it.
Every one of us thinks that there is a unique group of clothes colors that make him look his best and another that makes him look his worst but is it the right group of clothes colors or there is a better group for him?
so it’s very important to know what colors mean and the best group of colors that fits my skin, for You to choose the look you want to present as your personal style
Knowing your true self?! It’s a very difficult issue indeed, but also a very simple one!! Are you feeling lost? Do you feel as if you are constantly hiding in disguise?